Search for font size in word mac 2016
Search for font size in word mac 2016

search for font size in word mac 2016

( Hint: If you use fields a lot and need to know where they are in your document, turn on the option to always show them shaded in gray. It should now hold for any future updates of that field. When done, click the Set As Default button in the bottom. Once the Font window appears, you can change the default font style, size, effects, and even the color if you want. In the Fonts group, click the dialog box launcher button. To summon the Font dialog box, obey these steps: Click the Home tab. It’s the neatly organized Font dialog box, shown in the following figure. Click the Home tab in the ribbon menu, then click on the arrow icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the Font section. Word 2016 features a single location where all your font-formatting dreams can come true.


I've seen advice on this thread that apply to earlier versions of Word for Mac, but still can't figure out how to do it in Word 2016. Open any document with your Office Word application.

search for font size in word mac 2016

Select the cross-reference field, and manually change the formatting to what you want it to be (remove the bold, make the font smaller or larger, or whatever formatting is ‘out of whack’). I would like to change the default font size of my footnotes to 10 point, while keeping the rest of my text in 12 point.The P reserve formatting during updates check box should be checked - check it if it’s not, then click OK.Right-click on the cross-reference field, and select Edit Field.I’m not sure what causes it but here’s how to fix it: Or perhaps you’ve inserted the cross-reference in a table but the font used in the table is smaller than that used in the body text, yet the cross-reference displays in the larger font. Sometimes you’ll add a cross-reference to a figure or table, and part of it (the number usually) will display in bold text.

Search for font size in word mac 2016